diumenge, 30 de setembre del 2018


In this day preparetme for my professional practices with a lot attitude by to learn.
I prepare my didatic material and observation guide.
I hope what in this professional practices can perform all my activities, I hope so achieve a good communication whith my classroom teacher and wih the kids.
I hope what my teacher can teach me new activities that they help me to be with the childrens and can to get better.
I hpoe to get better in my activities and in my didatic material with the purpose to improve bekle person and the treatment of children.

In this day i had the chance of be more with the children.
Today i could help to feedd the children and i could help change clothes.
Today i was able to live more with the children in their physical routine.
One day before, none of these activities could be done because there are other girls practicing.
Today it was not possible to carry out activity, but i could organize myself to do my activity on Thursday.
At the end of the day i managed to help deliver the children what made me happy.

The place where i am doing my practices is in Avenue 11east 801, colony Analco.
I practice with children from one to one year six months, have twelve children to be able to practice, but in this week only five or seven children have gone.
In the classroom there is a teacher, two practitioners from another university, a doctor who is at different times and I.
In they day the revision is made to each child to be able to be in the classroom
Then the children are left to crawl until 10 o´clock in the morning.
Theen feed the children and change the diaper.
At 11 in the morning the children are left to sleep.
At 12 o´clock the children get up and they get ready to leave.

This week i learned a lot about the importance of working as a team and congratulate the work of others.
I learned some points about the new model of key learnings.
I learned the importance of giving love to children.
I learned how to organize part of a thechnical council and how important it is.
There are very few things that i learned, because in this week there were many problems with the other practicing girls.
She had the support of miss Jany at all times so i am happy to be with me during these weeks of practice.

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