dilluns, 24 de setembre del 2018

homework, Week sept 24th - 28th and oct 01th - 05th


Explain what you did to prepare for these weeks.

What do you expect from the place you'll be doing your practicum?

My expectations of the nursery, is that it's a suitable place for the development of children

What do you expect from the teacers who will be tutoring you?

I hope the nursery teachers treat me good

What are your personal expectations in that of your own learning?

I hope to learn a lot about one year old children


Write a short description of you day

Today in they nursery , i didn't do pedagogical activity, but i do other things, in the morning i had breakfast with teachers, after se gave toys to children, i raised the toys why it was time for lunch, the teachers and me se sit the children in the teable and we gave soup for eat.


The nursery i go ti is located behind commercial plaza " plaza dorada" and his mame is issstep 1, in the nursery there ate tren children, but they just go six, because the others are very sick.
The children are one year old, and they are very cute and chubby.
There are many workers and teachers, and the regular activities is take care of the children, play with them and feed them.


1.- What I did last week
- I was in a nursery of the issstep 1 near a commercial plaza, i went to do my practices with children of 1 year, a was doing activities to strengthen the gross motricity, the children played a lot and had fun, it was a beautiful experience, the teachers treated me very well, they invited me to eat coffee and bread, i felt comfortable and happy in the nursery.



During the two weeks of internship i learned new things,  techniques to prevent children from biting others, example:
1. Massage in the gums
2. Frozen baby pacifiers, to numb the gums.

I learned it by observing, and what I need to be better is to continue studying the key learning book

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