dijous, 27 de setembre del 2018

Homework week 24-28 September 2018


What i did for evalue this two week, was a group of activities with the pedagogical objectives with the final purpose of attend the principals needs of the children according to the request topics by the room headline, also to evalue this activities i used an evauate topics with such of learn milestones that i pretend to work with this time.

What i expect of the enfant circle is aquire expierience in the places i support and let take advantage for every moment inside the place so i can get better in my oportunity areas.

What i expect of my assesment teachers is to let me see my oportunity areas and gave me their points of view and also the tools with the propose of putting in practice.

For the expectations of my own learning, it's that i have all the knowledge and teory to know how to repplicate them to the kids, and also be able to understand why. the activities that i do as well, and how to applicated correctly to the children with the correspondent theorical sustentenance, so i can make a better society let in my little piece of sand.


Today was a great day, we have direct interaction with the kids in each activity, in their psichometric class, dance and music, also the planeations has been aproved by the center to get them  apply the next days, in general i think that i have a busy but productive day.


The children circle of the Buap is where are currenly being carried out the practices, it's located in the Capitan Carlos Camamacho Espirítu Boulevar, Cd Universitaria, 72592 Puebla, Pue. Inside the Maternal B room are a total of 21 childrens, of wich are 12 boys and 9 girls with an age range of  one and a half year to two years. The room counts with one head teacher of the center with four auxilaries. Where the activies of each day are eight am is the entrance to the center where the kids wash their hands and then take their breakfast, after that  they are taking to the bathroom to brush their teeths, for later go to play at the garden with their friends, then they play with the didactic material, for later go to they psicometric class, then dance and for last music class, after that they wash their hands for lunch and have the activities at charge of the education agent.


Over the past week  i have aquire new experiences, the direct treat with the kids, where i have been envolved by the teachers in the pedagogical center activities, the aplications of this activities has good results since they where of the childrens interest, as well i have receive constructive critics from the head teacher and all of it to been better and applicated them to my own profesional carreer.

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