diumenge, 30 de setembre del 2018

·         Exercises of the week
  v Monday
Start to see what activities were favorable for the subject assigned to me in the AEPI center and for the age range of the children assigned to me, since that is an important piece of information, later I went planning for each day so that will gather everything, leaving all the didactic material for the last weekend before entering the day.

·         What do you expect from the place you'll be doing your practicum?
From the AEPI center where I am, I hope they give me the necessary experiences and knowledge to grow in my teacher training.
·         What do you expect from the teacers who will be tutoring you?
That the teachers in charge where I am, give me the confidence to develop with the children and support me as a practitioner. I Hope they be patient with me and teach me that it´s okay to make mistakes and learn from the experiences.
·         What are your personal expectations in that of your own learning?
Comply with each purpose of each activity and that each child can learn from them. In the same way I hope as a practitioner to establish a positive relationship during the two weeks of the day with the teacher and with the children in the classroom.
  v Tuesday
On Monday we presented ourselves with all the staff of the center, later we went to the dining room since at 8:30 it is breakfast time, after breakfast we went to the corresponding room of each practitioner, in the room I got presented by the teacher to all the children and gave them the indication to obey me. During the day I was involved in teacher activities with the children, as well as give extra materials such as motor skills, dance and singing, at 1:30 the children went to the dining room to eat, I help them to feed some children and after they eat they had a free half hour to play and live freely with their peers, arriving at 2:45 I withdraw from the classroom ending with a good start of practice.
  v Wednesday
The center is call AEPI “Children´s circuit from the BUAP” which one is in the Blvd. Capitán Carlos Camacho Espíritu, Cd Universitaria, Cdad. Universitaria, 72592 Puebla, Pue. This center provides child care to children from 0 to 3 years, whichever area with infants and mothers, the practitioner Breton Mora Citlalli is in the maternal room, this room has 20 children, 11 girls and 9 children with a range of age of 2 to 3 years, the room is held by a teacher as head teacher and 3 assistants in charge of assistantship in children's care activities. During the day the children perform pedagogical, dance, music and stimulation activities
  v Thursday
During the first week of the day i participated in different activities with the children and staff of the center, reflecting on a good week since the head teacher and the assistants give me the confidence of being with the children, as well as helping all the activities With the control of the group, creating a good environment for the children, according to the activities carried out with the children, they were very pleasant since the children understood in an appropriate way the indications of the two pedagogical activities carried out, besides that the teacher helped me control of the group and in some aspects of the activities. The teacher and I have created a bond of trust where the teacher makes comments based on the best of my teaching practice. For that part I conclude with an excellent week and a pleasant experience of practicing in a very complete AEPI center as the children's circle of the BAUP since the children are stimulated properly.

Monday, September 24
I did planning, little material, learn songs for my practice.
I expect good treatment, opportunities.I want to learn their teaching strategies and way of working.

Tuesday, September 25
I got up, I got dressed, I went to the bus school. arrive early, sleep a while. In practice play with children, help them eat. I diagnosed needs.
In the afternoon I went to work, at night I made didactic material. I dined with my family, I bathed and went to sleep.

Wednesday, September 26 
The BUAP Children's Circle is located within the University City. Blvd. Captain Carlos Camacho Spirit, Cd University, Cdad. University, 72592 Puebla, Pue in the infant room 3 b there are 11 children with an age of 1 years 3 months to 2 years. Inside the room there are two auxiliaries and a titutlar. Activities that take place: breakfast, diaper change, full group activity, music class, dance, psychomotricity, garden, small group activity, work in areas, reading, food and sleep time.

Thursday, September 27 
during the week, I was limited to help in some activities, the first activity application did not work. The time to perform activity is very extensive. I have not learned anything significant, there is little communication, coexistence, support. Even the momneto has been a bad, sad experience. I feel excluded. Children do not show confidence As a reflection of this week, I do not like the school I'm in. But I will do my best to gain a little confidence.


Activities of week sept 24th-28th
Imagen relacionada

Resultado de imagen para educación inicial png
The stay child 1 at the ISSSTEP hope that I receive kindly with the intention to learn how it works in the place as children of maternal 2, since working in activities that support for the theme that works with children in the room.
I hope that the educational agents I receive with the intention of learning from their work and also to correct mine, in terms of the capabilities and needs of children.
I hope to learn a lot in this week’s journey, the way of working in public children’s Center, the activities carried out, the courses that lead and add me within them to work together with the teachers.

Imagen relacionadaTuesday

Within maternal room received the children at the entrance of the room, kids diaper change was made, and breakfast is served.
Subsequently, led to children who are in control of sphincter to the bathroom, back in the room are singing a song of good days and applied the activity planned for the day.
More later took the children to his rest and back washed them hands and food is served, at the end of is led them back to the bathroom and return placed children on mats for your hour of sleep.

Resultado de imagen para educación inicial
In the No.1 children stay in the ISSSTEP assigned me the room of Maternal 2 which has a total of 24 children, with corresponding age of 24 to 36 months; with an educational agent, 2 supports, and 2 assistants, giving a total of 5 people in charge of children.

The activities that are carried out within hours of the Hall are: diaper change, breakfast time, hour of bath, recreation, recreational activities, physical education, dance, lunch, time to sleep. 

Imagen relacionadaThursday

During the first week of day I could see the activities that apply to needed changes, because there are variety of ages as there are children who went from nursing 3 maternal 1 and ages vary too, so it should suit the rest of the activities so that all children can work and achieve to develop the capabilities that are required, especially fine motor.


In this day preparetme for my professional practices with a lot attitude by to learn.
I prepare my didatic material and observation guide.
I hope what in this professional practices can perform all my activities, I hope so achieve a good communication whith my classroom teacher and wih the kids.
I hope what my teacher can teach me new activities that they help me to be with the childrens and can to get better.
I hpoe to get better in my activities and in my didatic material with the purpose to improve bekle person and the treatment of children.

In this day i had the chance of be more with the children.
Today i could help to feedd the children and i could help change clothes.
Today i was able to live more with the children in their physical routine.
One day before, none of these activities could be done because there are other girls practicing.
Today it was not possible to carry out activity, but i could organize myself to do my activity on Thursday.
At the end of the day i managed to help deliver the children what made me happy.

The place where i am doing my practices is in Avenue 11east 801, colony Analco.
I practice with children from one to one year six months, have twelve children to be able to practice, but in this week only five or seven children have gone.
In the classroom there is a teacher, two practitioners from another university, a doctor who is at different times and I.
In they day the revision is made to each child to be able to be in the classroom
Then the children are left to crawl until 10 o´clock in the morning.
Theen feed the children and change the diaper.
At 11 in the morning the children are left to sleep.
At 12 o´clock the children get up and they get ready to leave.

This week i learned a lot about the importance of working as a team and congratulate the work of others.
I learned some points about the new model of key learnings.
I learned the importance of giving love to children.
I learned how to organize part of a thechnical council and how important it is.
There are very few things that i learned, because in this week there were many problems with the other practicing girls.
She had the support of miss Jany at all times so i am happy to be with me during these weeks of practice.

September 24th 2018
I hope in my room, that the atmosphere is calm.
And that my theacher help me whith any questions I have.
I hope to learn more about the development of babies and how to davelop their abilities.

September 25th 2018
Today in the room nursery 1, they were given the eat to the kids, they were realized stimulation and they slept.
I went to breakfast at 9:30 a.m. I go to back to the living room and played with the children.
At 12 o'clock they were given the eat and they took another hap.

September 26th 2018
The children's stay it is the street ciclismo, unidad magisterial "Mexico 68"
In the room there are nine children, three boys and six girls, how old they are three, four and six months.
The activity that are made in the room are to give eat the children, to sleeped, and workind in stimulation.

September 27th 2018
In the sema it was observed that in the room they work with children in different ways.
They stimulate them, they exercise and the bigger children are helped to crawl.
Babies should be told all the time so they learn to hear and to distinguish each person's voice.
It is also important to help them eat and sleep, as well as watch them all the time to avoid drowning.


El objetivo de ésta actividad es realizar diversos ejercicios sobre el tiempo Presente Simple en un Segundo Nivel tanto preguntas, afirmaciones y negaciones.  

Este ejercicio es el cambiar diferentes verbos irregulares en el tiempo Pasado Simple.

De igual forma el objetivo de esta actividad es el modificar diferentes oraciones del tiempo Presente Simple con el verbo BE.

Ahora dentro de ésta actividad el objetivo es similar a la anterior ya que con el verbo BE en negativo y en Presente Simple se cambian oraciones.  

Dentro de esta actividad se realizan preguntas igual con el tiempo Presente Simple Be tanto en afirmativas como negativas  

Finalmente en esta actividad de igual forma con el Presente Simple con el verbo BE se realizan preguntas con WH

dissabte, 29 de setembre del 2018

Actividades realizadas 29 de Septimebre

Los ejercicios de esta semana se relacionaron al presente simple y presente perfecto y un pequeño ejercicio del futuro en diversos tiempos. Considero que se ha facilitado el tiempo perfecto, ya que con ayuda de los ejercicios de la lesión 38, 39, 40 he realizado un concentrado con todos tiempos y ha quedado mas entendido.


On Monday we meet with the manager and coordinator of the Children's Circle (BUAP), explaining the activities that were going to take place from the day Thursday 27 September, hoping that the children of the nursery to be very participatory and eager to Learn.
I hope that the educational agent is a person full of wisdom, energy, patient and especially fun. I hope to learn how they work with children so that I can get a better cognitive, motor, social and emotional development.


The children are very adorable, very quiet and participatory, the teachers who are in charge of the group are very crazy, fun and extroverted. It was a good day, as it manages to see the way they work, their model is very different and I like it, because the children are more relaxed.


Where I am doing my practice is called Children's circle located on Boulevard. Valsequillo S/N Col. San Manuel City University. I am in the nursery room, with a total of 19 children from 1 Year 6 months to 2 years 8 months, inside the room is the educational agent and 3 auxiliaries. They carry a routine where they work with full group and then small group.


Children are very participatory, they like to learn new things, they like to dance and sing. The teachers are on the slope every time of the children, try to be fair and not pamper them too, so they do not get used. I like the routine they carry out within the children's circle, because they first work with a whole group, hence they divide them into small group, where they integrate into different areas to work, go to dance, music, psychomotor, play and eat.

divendres, 28 de setembre del 2018

ü        Monday
Explain what you did to prepare for these weeks
My do yuo expect the visited cendi. No. 3 good.My do you epect the teacers taugt good, the people an imaginet and searchet learning the children.My expet the met to learn to tray the children.
Write a short description of your day

       My Tuesday bgun at 5:00 a cloc´k. I gone the Cendi no. 3. I have louch at 11:00. perform actividi the children had  liffled plastic balls. I like the Cendi no. 3 for the treatmet an children. My day good why teachers beautiful. My lije day on Tuesday feel nice weater tha previous center childish wat gone.

Write a short desciption of the place where you are

       The Cendi no. 3 do it located between circuit U housing Prof. Jorge Murad M., street 35 nte 3689 , ex   rancho Colorado. My living room have fifteen children. The most tha day I seein  thirtyn wokers. The       activities doring dance, ever take a walk Cendi. The children  breakfast, and  have louch. The chirdren have   one hour sleep.

Write a brief reflection on your experience/learning during this first week

      The during  one week  doing your practicum it was beautiful why feel  tha confortable. I learned the childrens shope be. The center it seemed every good. The pedogogy tha implemt and children have good devolepment. The  teacher is lisenced  preschool new  worked  tha small childre´s but does tha best worked to lear  fromthem. I  learned what yes you can  to get better tha education inicial.

Work in the blog 

Viridiana Contreras Ramírez

Reflection on my experience

The first week in the "Circulo Infantil" did not turn out as expected, because we were many people for a few children, I felt uncomfortable when I did not know what to help because they already know the routine and everyone has their job, the children have more trust and respond well to the activities I do. The model they work on is interesting, something new for me, I like it because of the freedom that children have to express their interests, however I must know more about it to adapt quickly. 🙅
Today was a very significant day, as they definitely changed my room, this has me stressed because I have to modify all my activities and work guide, despite having some dislikes with the educational agent due to misunderstandings. I work with children is the most beautiful thing.

I hope the following days improve my intervention and can apply the different activities.

The CENDI CENHCH is located at Av 11 Oriente 801, De Analco, 72500 Puebla, Pue. There are 7 rooms: two for infants and five for El CENDI CENHCH located at Av 11 Oriente 801, De Analco, 72500 Puebla, Pue. There are 7 rooms: two for infants and five for maternity.
in the room that I am maternal 1 where there are 12 children on the list but this week have attended only 8 who have an age of one and a half to two.
There are different workers such as administrative, support, doctor, psycho-pedagogue, director, educational and administrative agents.

The daily activities are the medical filter, exercise routine, free play, assistance activities, breakfast, pedagogical activities, physical education and children's outings.

This week's learning is that you do not have to take all personnel, that actions and attitudes should not infer in practice and above all know how to take things in an ethical and professional manner.
They must have pedagogical interventions really with objectives and meet the needs of children, taking into account the needs diagnosis.
We can always learn from the good and bad of educational practices.

dijous, 27 de setembre del 2018

During this week I can say that I wasn't really all right because I was used to practice and private schools and now the system is very different and it is costing me to adapt for the good side I like to be with babies and would like to learn new things and the most important is ¿how would I be able to treat the kids of this age? Guess I have .to work more on my nerves when I do activities because if I get nervous the activities do not go as they should.

Homework Thursday

During this first week of practice to win. I acquired experiences and learnings, attitudes with children. I watched what to do to calm the crying of childen. The daily routine who carry in classroom. I received opinions from teacher to improve my intervention. Every day you new experiences that help me in my professional profile.

Homework week 24-28 September 2018


What i did for evalue this two week, was a group of activities with the pedagogical objectives with the final purpose of attend the principals needs of the children according to the request topics by the room headline, also to evalue this activities i used an evauate topics with such of learn milestones that i pretend to work with this time.

What i expect of the enfant circle is aquire expierience in the places i support and let take advantage for every moment inside the place so i can get better in my oportunity areas.

What i expect of my assesment teachers is to let me see my oportunity areas and gave me their points of view and also the tools with the propose of putting in practice.

For the expectations of my own learning, it's that i have all the knowledge and teory to know how to repplicate them to the kids, and also be able to understand why. the activities that i do as well, and how to applicated correctly to the children with the correspondent theorical sustentenance, so i can make a better society let in my little piece of sand.


Today was a great day, we have direct interaction with the kids in each activity, in their psichometric class, dance and music, also the planeations has been aproved by the center to get them  apply the next days, in general i think that i have a busy but productive day.


The children circle of the Buap is where are currenly being carried out the practices, it's located in the Capitan Carlos Camamacho Espirítu Boulevar, Cd Universitaria, 72592 Puebla, Pue. Inside the Maternal B room are a total of 21 childrens, of wich are 12 boys and 9 girls with an age range of  one and a half year to two years. The room counts with one head teacher of the center with four auxilaries. Where the activies of each day are eight am is the entrance to the center where the kids wash their hands and then take their breakfast, after that  they are taking to the bathroom to brush their teeths, for later go to play at the garden with their friends, then they play with the didactic material, for later go to they psicometric class, then dance and for last music class, after that they wash their hands for lunch and have the activities at charge of the education agent.


Over the past week  i have aquire new experiences, the direct treat with the kids, where i have been envolved by the teachers in the pedagogical center activities, the aplications of this activities has good results since they where of the childrens interest, as well i have receive constructive critics from the head teacher and all of it to been better and applicated them to my own profesional carreer.

Week sept 24th - 28th

The day Monday we present ourselves in the nursery "Cendi 1". Explaining to the responsible for the area of educational psychology the activities planned during our visit. Lactandes 2 area expected to be a quiet place where children could get stimulus from educational agent. He hoped that educational agent was a friendly person. I hope to be able to learn different ways to help children get a better motor development.


The day Tuesday could see the techniques children are paying attention during recreational activities. Also I could see stimulation activities that the children were and as integrated music activities.


In the nursery where I'm doing practices is the "CENDI 1" which is located in the cycling Street, Magisterial unit Mexico 68, 72300 Puebla, Pue. Handled in the Hall of lactating 2 is from 7:00 am to 2:30 pm, where there are 12 children from 6 to 12 months, this Hall has an educational agent and an Assistant. The activities carried out are more care way, classes that have music and early stimulation, where they can develop their cognitive and motor skills.


These days manage to see that children in certain classes can develop their cognitive and motor skills, while with agent educational assistance only activities, by what when she is make my activity the children showed interest.

dimecres, 26 de setembre del 2018

Homework- Wednesday

I practice in the Children's Circle of the BUAP, it is located in the Capitán Carlos Camacho Espiritu Boulevard, Cd Universitaria, 72592 Puebla, Pue. I am in the room "Infants 3" with 10 children from 15 to 24 months of age.
In the room we found the head of the group, 2 assistants, 1 practitioner from another school and I, we support the complementary dance, psychomotor and music classes, the activities are routine for the whole week and the children are calm. :)


The Cendi No.3 it is located in Street 35 North 3689, Ex-Rancho Colorado. 72044. The area where the student is doing his practice is in infants 1, with six children of 45 days to 6 months of age. In charge of the children are two teachers. The activities of the day normally are give milk to the children, after change diapers and sleep.
today I´m in the circle of children BUAP where there is fourteen babys nine they are girls and five children and they hace the three a eight months. In this living room there four teachers.
they activities what do they do in the day is give their milk, wash their teeth in the music class an the stimulation.
CENDI 3 is located behind the offices of the SEP.
On this day I find myself doing my practices in the maternal room 2 in which there are a total of seventeen children who are between two and three years old.
In the room is a headline and an assistant which are responsible for the care and making of children. During the day, assistance activities are carried out, such as the control of sphincters and washing of teeth and hands, as well as pedagogical activities.

SEMANA 4 17-21 SEPT Karla Nayeli Bonilla Rueda

realice ejercicios de gramática por que en algunos casos olvido que el verbo tiene que cambiar y este ejercicio me ayudo mucho 

Today was a bit heavy because I had some problems within the CENDI, first they changed my room due to the absence of children, they passed me to Maternal 1, then there were misunderstandings with the educational agents and it felt a heavy environment , I'm going to have to adapt all my guidance and that makes me a little stresse.
This week i hope to be able to carry out my CENDI CENHCH practices in a professional manner, I hope to apply my activites, observations and learn from CENDI, that my teachers help me if necessary and that they evaluate me professionally. My expectations are to e able carry aut all my activities, learn to innovate and intervene in the room that i play.

dimarts, 25 de setembre del 2018

Starting today I began my practice in the circle of children at BUAP where I hope to have many positive learnings, also have a good communication with the educational agent and learn strategies for the development of babies from 3 to 8 months, and then apply them.
tarea del día lunes

Today, Tuesday I woke up at 5.30 am and went the educational agent and learn strategies for the development of babies from 3 to 8 months, and then apply them.to school to do my lesson and was in the lactose room for an hour to help people feed their babies and eventually their pap. I later help cut some squares for the babies to play with. When I arrived home I ate and then begin doing my homework.

Homework  25 Sep,

Today in the "Circulo Infantil" was very quiet, because in the room "Infants 3A_" only 7 children attended and we were 6 responsible for the room, also today I felt more included in routine activities, The children had more confidence to stand and ask for support, I think that little by little I will get used to this way of working different from the previous practices.

Homework Tuesday

The present day in the Cendi No. 3 in the area of infants 1. I was done assistant in the classroom. The student in the morning helped to recibed to the children. After helped milk to the children and after sleep them. I observe what are the activities of the day. A better relationship with the teacher was created. The activities ended at 2 pm because the teachers they had a meeting.

Homework, Week sept 24th - 28th

What do you expect from the place you'll be doing your practicum?
Take knowledge and experience to improve my professional practice.
What do you expect from the teacers who will be tutoring you?
I hope the teachers help me improve my professional practices
What are your personal expectations in that of your own learning?
I hope to acquire new knowledge that will help me improve my professional practice and can implement it with the children and they have an integral development


Today I joined CENDI 3, I introduced myself to the manager and my agent, who mentioned the activity that was going to be implemented, which is called "The worm with its pompoms", after carrying out the activity I took the children to the dining room, breakfast, help the agent to sleep the children, when they finished sleeping, they took them back to the dining room to eat, after they finished eating they were taken to the living room, to change their clothes and finally deliver them to their parents.

CENDI N ° 3 is located between the circuit U. Habitacional Prof. Jorge Murad M., Calle 35 Nte. 3689, Ex-Rancho Colorado, 72044 Puebla, Pue. in which he works with a total of 13 children in the area of maternal 1, with an age range of 12 to 18 months, 2 jobs per room, one is the educational agent and the other is the auxiliary.
The maternal routine 1:
Receive the children
Observe each of the children.
Help the educational agent.
Implement activity (depending on the availability of children)
Take them to the dining room and feed them.
Clean your face
Sleep them
Implement activity (depending on the availability of children)
Take them to the dining room and feed them.
Clean your face
Help the teacher to the children at the door


During the internship week I learned; how is the way children learn, what they like to do most and how to attract the attention of children, with the help of my agent and the observations they make are very useful to implement the activity, since with these Observations helps me improve in my professional practice.


What do you expect from the place you'll be doing your practicum?
My expect is that the classroom be adequate for perform activities planned.
What do you expect from the teachers who will be tutoring you?
That is capacit for what transmit experiences and knowledge
What are your personal expectations in that of your own learning?
My expectation is learn about do activities with children from 45 days to 6 months.

Reflection of my practice

What do you expect from the place that will make your practice?
That serves me to apply my knowledge and to practice in a new room so that in the future has more .knowledge and apply them properly.

What do you expect from the teachers that will be tutoring?
To support me during this period proposing improvements and making self-reflections.

What are your personal expectations for your own learning?
Adaptation of my didactic strategies for different ages
day two.

From September 25, 2018 was held the second day of the day of practices in CENDI 3 where was a day with tranquility in the classroom and children are attentive to their daily activities, educational agent supports me in everything and is available to solve my doubts. :)

dilluns, 24 de setembre del 2018

What do you expect from the place you'll be doing your practicum?
Know and adapt to the learning model used by the school with the children and have more experience to apply pedagogical activities.

What do you expect from the teachers who will be tutoring you?
I hope to learn a lot from them, the way they teach, the way they treat children, the strategies they use to carry out their activities.

What are your personal expectations in that of your own learning?
Learn to adapt different educational models and learn to work with the inclusion of children with different abilities


What do you expect from the place you'll be doing your practicum?
Take me learnings and experiences to improve my teaching practice

What do you expect from the teacers who will be tutoring you?
A feedback for my practice and improve strategies

What are your personal expectations in that of your own learning?

My expectations is that through the practice of educational agents can give me advice and strategies on how to improve my teaching practice.

homework, Week sept 24th - 28th and oct 01th - 05th


Explain what you did to prepare for these weeks.

What do you expect from the place you'll be doing your practicum?

My expectations of the nursery, is that it's a suitable place for the development of children

What do you expect from the teacers who will be tutoring you?

I hope the nursery teachers treat me good

What are your personal expectations in that of your own learning?

I hope to learn a lot about one year old children


Write a short description of you day

Today in they nursery , i didn't do pedagogical activity, but i do other things, in the morning i had breakfast with teachers, after se gave toys to children, i raised the toys why it was time for lunch, the teachers and me se sit the children in the teable and we gave soup for eat.


The nursery i go ti is located behind commercial plaza " plaza dorada" and his mame is issstep 1, in the nursery there ate tren children, but they just go six, because the others are very sick.
The children are one year old, and they are very cute and chubby.
There are many workers and teachers, and the regular activities is take care of the children, play with them and feed them.


1.- What I did last week
- I was in a nursery of the issstep 1 near a commercial plaza, i went to do my practices with children of 1 year, a was doing activities to strengthen the gross motricity, the children played a lot and had fun, it was a beautiful experience, the teachers treated me very well, they invited me to eat coffee and bread, i felt comfortable and happy in the nursery.



During the two weeks of internship i learned new things,  techniques to prevent children from biting others, example:
1. Massage in the gums
2. Frozen baby pacifiers, to numb the gums.

I learned it by observing, and what I need to be better is to continue studying the key learning book