dimecres, 28 de novembre del 2018

Republic of Singapore

Singapore is an island and city-state very densely populated (4,200 people per square kilometer) in which the Chinese, Indonesian and Indian cultures coexist and in which the influence of the Middle East is also felt. There are four official languages: Malay (national language), English, Chinese (Mandarin) and Tamil. Most citizens of Singapore are bilingual, since English is the most widely used language for administration and business.
 Its climate is tropical, hot and humid all year round, with heavy rains especially during the month of April. Temperatures range between 20 and 35 degrees.
Some traditions or costumes of singarpur are:
The most common form of greeting is the handshake. If you visit a private house or a temple or mosque, you must take off your shoes. For private visits, it is recommended to bring a gift and if it is a business trip, a souvenir of the company.
The laws regarding recklessly crossing streets, throwing garbage on the floor or chewing gum are very strict in urban areas. The consumption of tobacco is not well seen and is prohibited in closed public spaces (including restaurants). Throwing a butt to the ground or smoking in prohibited places can lead to the immediate imposition of a fine of 500SGD.
Day of the Dead or Shining Clarity Festival (Qingmingjie): This festival is celebrated on a date that ranges from April 4 to 6, approximately, the Chinese population of Singapore remembers its ancestors visiting their graves. There they make floral offerings and various ritual reverences.
One of these traditions is the Ponggal, also known as the Harvest Festival, celebrated in mid-January by the Indians of the south. This celebration honors the fruit of farmers' efforts and rice harvest, a staple here as in most of Asia. It also pays tribute to Surya, the Sun God, in which he believes himself to be the one who grants life. Among other customs, the cows are decorated and chants are performed accompanied by bells and drums in the Sri Srinivasa Perumal temple.
The Annual Festival of the Dragon Boat is a Chinese tradition that is usually celebrated in all the territories very populated by people of this origin. This tradition that is usually developed during the month of July, faces in several regattas teams from different countries in a long boats decorated with bright colors. In these boats the rowers try to win the race to the rhythm of the traditional drums.
He Chinese New Year is one of the most important celebrations in Singapore. It occurs between January and February (guided by the lunar calendar) and is one of the most colorful and vibrant cultural events in Singapore.

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