divendres, 23 de novembre del 2018

 Singapur is an island sovereign country of Asia, formed by sixty-three islands, whose form of government is the parliamentary republic. Its territory is divided into five community development councils. Its capital is the city of Singapore, so Singapore is considered a city-state. Singapore offers a moment full of poetry to celebrate this end of the year. On New Year's Eve, tradition dictates that people write on paper white lanterns a message to express their wishes, dreams and hopes for the new year, and do this from mid-November. Some of the gastronomic dishes in signapur are:
 Crab: Whether it's pepper, chili or any other way, 
 Satay: marinated skewers of chicken or pork with peanut sauce. 
Char Kway Teow: Rice noodles with garlic, meat, prawns and various sauces.
 Laksa: Noodle soup of different variants. 

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