divendres, 5 d’octubre del 2018


1. The past week i realice assistance practice inside of the Maternal B room, where i accompanied the kids in music, dance and pshicometric class, also we made all the pedagogyc activities on thursday and friday, wich one consisted in the identification of body parts by the kids and the incentivation of learning to share with their class mates.
Also we have a little training in simulated events, cause the friday we have an simulacrum and we could participated in.

3. All this two journal weeks i get great learnings like having direct contact with the kids wich allowed me to known every kid a little bit more, also see all the needs of every one of them, to give so much love and sweetnes to every one, everything i learned through practice, the observation and the performance.

The oportunity area that i have is search all the estrategys for a better group control, also to see the emotion control of the kids, and modulated my voice tone depending on each case, have a new repertory of music and estrategys to incentivate all kids to share with their sames and dont have and agressive behavior.

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