diumenge, 7 d’octubre del 2018

1;  For two weeks, I was practicing in maternal room 3 in the children's circle of the BUAP. I was helping the teacher in assistance and pedagogical activities, with the purpose of stimulating the gross motor area. During the week I was able to improve my skills, such as the tone of voice and the way in which I expressed myself to make myself understood. The way in which I communicated with the children and the teacher flowed better thanks to the activities in which I was involved.

3; During the two weeks of practice, I acquired many new knowledge of the experiences and activities carried out during the day. Because in the children's circuit they implement another educational model, I could learn to interact with children from another perspective. I learned the proper protocol of evacuation of earthquakes, several songs, how to support the child with his control of sphincters and more. The knowledge obtained helped me to improve my teacher training since during the practices you always learn from the comments and the feedback of the teacher in charge.

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