diumenge, 7 d’octubre del 2018

Week Summary

1. In the week...

Imagen relacionada
I was doing activities of the color blue and body parts. I was giving pieces of the body parts for so children could easily identify them. 
I was singing many songs to the children at bedtime. At bath time I was playing with the children who didn't go to the bathroom. I was planning activities for children of two to three age.

2. Exercise

3. Reflection
During the two weeks of practice...
I acquired new knowledge about the activities that should be carried out with the children of the maternity ward 2, since the age of two to trhee years does not correspond to the children who are immersed in this room.
I learned the techniques that should be used with children as I watches the agent and assistants as they work with the children, they also told me what I should do to keep them quiet and quiet in one place.
I need to learn strategies, techyniques and tactics to carry out a better job in maternity ward 2, since the children I work with are small according to the age that corresponds to that room.

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