dimecres, 3 d’octubre del 2018


Summary of last week
1. Last week, I started my Practicies in the CENDI 3, present my colleagues whith the Director and Educational agent, subsequently enter the room, the presente, I prenset myself with my agent and the children, I recelved the children from 8:00 at 8:30, I sang and danced the children, I did activities, i helped my agent, I ate them breakfast at 9:30, I  feed them to the 12:40, I leave the CENDI at 3.

2: Reading Exercise

3. What I learned during the day of practice the way children work, the behavior of each of them and the voice modulation to have control of the group.
I learned this because of the circumstances that were presented inside the room, on certain days, since all the children are bitten and stuck.
What I need to be better, is to implement strategies or activities that help the child respect rules, shifts and coexist healthily with their peers.

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